Monday 3 August 2015

The sports field

I recently stumbled upon this field which looks like it's used for various sports. With this in mind, we brought the football, for what I thought would be a relaxing "hands free" parenting afternoon.

Turns out we need two footballs. As soon as Jake grabbed the ball he refused to let go of it which caused tears on both sides.

As a distraction, I noticed a path going up the hill. Noah was all for it, but Jake was still refusing to let go of the ball which was making it quite tricky for him to walk, let alone up a gradient!

We didn't follow it up all the way as I think it leads to Solomon's Temple and by this point Jake appeared to have lost the use of his legs so I was having to carry him whilst I was mountain climbing. He then went into complete meltdown which was making it incredibly difficult to hold him so we made a brisk decision to go back down where he could continue his meltdown on the grass not on a rocky path half way up a hill.

Lessons to be learnt! 


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