Sunday 27 May 2018

Morning in Castleton

Alison and Elenor are staying with nana and grandad, so we all decided to spend the morning in Castleton. The kids had a good time and it was lovely wondering round the pretty village. Afterwards we had a picnic style lunch at our house with the kids playing in the garden.

Bike Riding in Pyjamas..

Sure! Why not? Wonderful morning been spent in the garden after breakfast, I've really enjoyed watching the boys play in their pyjamas in the garden whilst I am having my morning tea.

Monday 21 May 2018

Proper little boy

This was one of those 'capturing the moment' moments. We were waiting for Noah to finish his swimming lesson and Jake was sat eating his apple watching the people in the gym. He just looked like a proper little boy with his school shorts and his apple - he melted my heart!

Saturday 19 May 2018

Let's go fly a kite

This was such a good kite flying experience! They boys were awesome and really got the hang off it - by that I mean they were fab and running off with the kite whilst we threw it up in the air!

Thursday 17 May 2018