Tuesday 29 April 2014

The park near Grans...

While we were at the park there was a black cat who was ever so friendly and kept following us around! He even stayed still when Jake came along for a cuddle.

Afterwards we went to see uncle Phil for a brew.


Sunshine, garden etc

It was the first day of the year the boys were in shorts! 

Here's to lots more to come!

Monday 28 April 2014

Monday 21 April 2014

Crow Point...

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and I wanted to go to a beach! We had been told by Patrick that the huge dune at Crow Point had completely gone as a result of the bad storms over winter and that you could see Appledore.


Funderzone in Barnstaple...

We went here with Grandad and we all took it in turns to go round with Noah - who got ridiculously hot!


Saturday 19 April 2014

Visiting family in Devon...

While we were down we went over to see Great Grandad, Aunty Les and family and Aunty Jo and Steve.

At Jo's they both took quite a shine to this huge green monkey!


Friday 18 April 2014

Easter at Grandad's...

We spent a lovely sunny Easter at Grandad's house.

Noah spent most of his time playing with Daddy's old matchbox cars and trucks in the garden. We had lots of visits from Nana and Patrick also came round to see us.


Wednesday 16 April 2014

Easter Egg Decorating

We went round to Nan's this afternoon and with Uncle Phil we made some beautiful Easter Egg's which I am going to turn into bunting.
