Friday 27 October 2017

Star Gazing at Solomon's Temple

So this trip has a back story and only occurred due to the heart strings Noah pulled! He had a telescope for his birthday and was gutted every time he tried to look at the stars that it was too cloudy and he couldn't see anything. It  disappointment was reoccurring almost every night so we had to do something about it! Before we knew it we were hiking up Solomon's in the dark to hopefully get a clear view of the stars but we had to be quick as the cloud was rolling in! Noah however was in his element running round in the dark trying to catch Jake!

Tuesday 24 October 2017

First Half Term for Both Boys!

It's October half term and the first half term we've had since Jake started school. I certainly appreciate the time with them so much more. We went to Whaley Bridge Memorial Park and had a walk along the river through the leaves. These boys melt my heart!