Saturday 29 July 2017

Jake the mechanic

This was at Nana and Grandads house and I just thought it was the most adorable thing ever!

Friday 28 July 2017

Pembrokeshire: Waterfall chasing

Our last day of our holiday was spent chasing waterfalls. We started at this small one which was part of a fabulous park/wood to walkaround. We then travelled further and came to Henrhyd Waterfall which is the tallest waterfall in southern Wales with a drop of 90 feet ! We got absolutely drenched. It didn't help that it was raining anyway, but the mist from the falls was incredible. We even managed to clamber behind the waterfall and with the noise and spray it was pretty exhilarating

Thursday 27 July 2017

Pembrokeshire: Folly Farm

It was bit of a wet day today so we decided to go to Folly Farm, the weather however certainly didn't dampen our spirits. I seemed to think I had been to Folly Farm when I was younger, but didn't recognise anything. I was really impressed by the variety of animals there. We watched the penguins being fed which was cute. Afterwards we treated the boys to a cuddly snake each. Jake's highlight was the tractor hiding behind a gate ha!

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Pembrokeshire: In between time

We really didn't take many toys away with us but I figured this would be a good bet as it can potentially entertain for a while. That it did! These pictures make me happy, I love to watch Noah play using his imagination and creativity... keeps him out of mischief !

Pembrokeshire: National Botanic Garden of Wales

This was quite a way out from where we were staying but was so worth the drive! I adored this place, the tropical greenhouse place was awesome, the butterfly house was amazing and the grounds were perfect for exploring! At the butterfly house we had just made it in time to see a new giant moth come out of its cocoon! The boys were fascinated.