Sunday 26 April 2015

The sun has got his hat on

Beautiful sunny morning in Buxton today so we did touristy things.

Jake was really enjoying this moment captured so well on camera...


Tuesday 21 April 2015

Tittesworth Reservoir

This morning I took the boys to Tittesworth Reservoir which is just outside Leek. 

It was lovely not having to wrap up in coats and hats. There is also a play area here with a sand pit and with just a hint of sunshine a few mums had brought buckets and spades for the kids! Unfortunately, I wasn't one of those mum's but I did buy them a bucket and spade... to dig the soil in the front garden.


Monday 13 April 2015

Lego Land Discovery

Vicki had a day off and wanted to grace us with her presence so we went to Lego Land Discovery at the Trafford Centre. The boys thought it was great (we also had Vicki's younger brother Sam with us who is 13 and was a great helper following the boys around!), but Vicki and I felt a little underwhelmed.

Although they did get a single Duplo brick as a freebie. Afterwards we went back to Vicki's for a brew.


Saturday 11 April 2015

Sunday morning in City Tower

Adam was sorting out some PC's for charity at work and I thought it would be a nice trip out for the boys....

The loved the glass vestibule and pointing out all the vehicles they could see below. Then Noah turned to the office chairs and kept whizzing round on them.


Monday 6 April 2015

Vicki and James

Came over for the day. We had a lovely buffet lunch and then wandered down to the gardens only to be greeted by a mini fair!

We had a great day and to top it off the sun decided to show!


Sunday 5 April 2015

Team work

Is there a better way to spend the afternoon than to sit in soil with a trowel loading a dumper truck with your brother?



Saturday 4 April 2015

Devon: Easter and our last day

Typically, today was when the weather perked up and was glorious.

Happy Easter!


Friday 3 April 2015

Devon: The Big Sheep

With a huge thanks to Louie, we got a great price on tickets for The Big Sheep - so it would be rude not to use them! This horse thing Noah was on had me in stitches. You can move on it and it looks like you're actually riding a horse, Noah was awesome at it!

This was Jake's highlight - going down the slides with Grandad. He was laughing his little head off!

This ride in the pig pulled by a tractor was definitely a highlight of Noah's! He even got to go round twice.

The sheep dog trials - rounding up the ducks.

Noah got a certificate for his tractor driving!

Unfortunately Adam started to feel really poorly so had to go home early, but I think we managed okay without him :-)
