Monday 31 October 2016

Jake's First HAIRCUT !

Today was a big day, in fact today was a MASSIVE day - Jake got his haircut for the first time in 3 and 1/2 years (except for his fringe which I had to keep on top off)! It was hard, it was always going to be hard to get done. We have only ever known Jake with his hair like this but I guessed if I left it even longer it would just get harder. I could tell it was starting to irritate him too as he was constantly pushing it away from his face. We went to Jack's in Buxton and Jake was a little star! He sat in the chair and was giggling. Afterwards I didn't just come with a curl, Jack had scraped up the whole lot!! As a treat we went to the park and a wander around the gardens as it was pleasantly warm. We then had a little break under the tree down by the river. It really was lovely.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Half Term Walking with Noah

It's a Thursday and it's half term and I have a day off work. Jake is at nursery so turned into a mummy-Noah day! After we dropped Jake off at nursery in Macc we headed over to the reservoir at Macc Forest for a walk. Noah is awesome at walking, he has an excellent pace and good stamina and best off all you can have such random conversations with him! We were having lunch with my mum so after the walk we filled in some time at the garden centre as it was all Christmasy (you know with it being October n'll) still we enjoyed it! After lunch with Nan we went to the park near Gran's house and even stopped by at Grans for a cup of tea before we had to go and collect Jake and head back to Buxton. It was a really good day, thanks Noah!

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Autumn Craft Morning

Don't be fooled, this is not an everyday occurrence however I always feel come autumn time we need to do some crafts with the fallen leaves. I think this was probably one of the first projects we actually completed! I was super impressed with Jake's caterpillar and Noah was more for the sequins.

Monday 24 October 2016

First Half Term Day

Now Noah is at school I have less time less time is spent having to entertain them both together. Therefore first day of his first half term was bit of a shock to my system! We went to South Park in Macclesfield and took their bikes. They really enjoyed themselves in the skate park and were both chatting away to these 'cool' skater boys who you could tell really didn't entertain the idea of having a conversation with a 5 year old. Afterwards we continued around the park and played on all the obstacle courses.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Blackpool Time Again!

Oh I do love a good tradition! We spiced up our annual Blackpool trip by going up Blackpool Tower (on reflection we shouldn't have!). There was a lot of queuing and a lot of people in confined spaces (my favourite). To pass some of the queuing time they had us experience a 4D cinema. This was a first for us and not quite knowing what it meant, we weren't expecting being rained on, blew at and snowed on - Noah HATED it and was crying throughout the entire thing. I think Jake was just in shock. After that more ques which is quite a challenge with a 3 and 5 year old. Next we were crammed in a glass lift which took us up to the top and once at the top crammed in like sardines attempting to enjoy the view - which you can't do with 2 little boys who like to run off. The panic and fear both Adam and I felt was immense. It may have had something to do with the sheer height of it. That aside, we look happy in the photos and it's one crossed off the list (and never again).