Tuesday 31 May 2016

Last day in May

Was spent at mums house. I got some awesome paddling pool action shots!

These two !


Sunday 29 May 2016

Enjoying Buxton

I love where we live and today was a prime example of why.

Every Sunday the motor boat group are sailing on the pond so we always like to stop and watch them.

We wandered around and decided to treat ourselves to an ice cream so we headed up to the slopes to eat them.

Adam and I enjoyed people watching while the boys enjoyed rolling down the hill - which I guess is a given being on a slope.

Lots more days like this please!


Monday 23 May 2016

Jigsaw on the patio

It was a beautifully warm day again today so we thought it would be cool to bring a jigsaw outside. It's amazing how ordinary activities indoors can feel so much more exciting outside!


Tuesday 17 May 2016

Whaley Bridge Canal

We went exploring down a part of the canal we haven't ventured down before (it was completely accidental as I took the wrong turn!)

Either way it turned out to be a very pleasant walk. We stopped for snacks and had a train track behind us and along the side of the canal in front of us. The boys thought this was awesome.

The only thing missing... daddy.


Saturday 14 May 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday Jake!

Wow, my baby is 3! I know I say this all the time, but really, where has it gone?! He very much enjoyed his birthday especially his lego, massive yellow truck and his remote controlled train. Nana and Grandad were staying with us and my mum came over for a buffet lunch we ate outside in the garden. It was wonderful.

The bit that got me was when we were singing happy birthday Jake knew the song but when we actually said his name in the song his whole little face lit up!

I love you so much little dude, keep being awesome.


Monday 9 May 2016

More sunshine!

Looooving this warm weather! So much so we have initiated potty training (again). First time we weren't on it together (Jake and I) so I've given it a couple of weeks and now we'll try again.

We went to Grans this afternoon to have a picnic in the garden.

When we got back home later on the boys decided to open up their ice cream shop in our bay window - genius!

These two melt my heart (almost) everyday!


Sunday 8 May 2016

Sunny Sunday afternoon

Following from our walk in the Goyt Valley, we had a relaxing afternoon in the garden, digging.


Exploring the Goyt

We were all up rather early today so we decided to make the most of the sunshine and headed to the Goyt for 9am. We had an awesome time and the boys had the energy to complete the entire walk!

We got back home just in time for elevensies and an afternoon full of sunshine.

I love summertime!
